So, because I had to look today trough all my files and photo's, I found a lot of material I really want to share. Most of them where photos for photography, many of them I had forgotten that I even have taken them. This is just a small selection of my 'early days', as I like to call them.
This year was one of the best ones in my life. Yes, it hasn't been always so easy, sometimes I was worried about my future and what I am going to to with my life. But after all this time it helped me to grow, to know what I am able to do and who I want to be. I learned not to give up on something that quickly and then throw it away. Sometimes when you give yourself that push and probably you do not have the best feeling about it, sometimes it can lead to the best things. As for me I had to learn to say 'yes' to more things and just this simple 'yes' can bring you so much more opportunities for your life. (Well okay there are still things where you say 'no' to...) This year also started for me with a simple 'yes, I want to do this'. I am really grateful I had the chance to visit such a school, even though only for one, short year. Thank you to all the people who made it so special and my friends and family who supported me through out this year and helped me with all those important decisions, you are the best!
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