Saturday 9 April 2016

Ich kann alles - nur öffentlicher Verkehr ist ein Problem

Ich sage nicht, dass ich generell nicht gerne Zug fahre.
Wenn die Landschaft vorbei zieht und mit guter Musik im Ohr, verliere ich mich oft in meinen Gedanken. Das sind aber in allen Fällen eigentlich lange Strecken, auf Basel ist es knapp eine Stunde. Eine Stunde mich gehen lassen, sich verlieren in der eigenen Welt. Ganz ehrlich, beim Autofahren geht das praktisch nicht, vor allem nicht auf dieser Strecke. 
Dreispurige Autobahn, viel Verkehr und saumässig viele Idioten auf der Straße. Das verlangt eine große Portion Konzentration, Geduld und einen kühlen Kopf. Die letzten beiden Dinge besitze ich leider nicht wirklich. Wie ich das hier darstelle, könne man meinen ich hasse Autofahren. Den Stau, das Fokussieren, meine Wutausbrüche. Aber ich bin eigentlich eine leidenschaftliche Autofahrerin. Ich liebe es im Auto zu sitzen, mit guter Musik und wenn mich mal gerade nicht der Verkehr und die Lenker, bei denen ich mich frage wie sie zu ihrem Ausweis gekommen sind aufrege, dann gibt es fast nichts schöneres. Vor allem geht es mir auch darum, dass ich für mich bin, allein. 
Alleinsein, deshalb fahre ich auch lieber Auto als Zug, auch wenn es gerade morgens länger gehen kann. Pendeln hasse ich. Hab's schon immer gehasst. Mit dreizehn Jahren, als ich gerade den Sprung aufs Gymnasium in Zürich geschafft habe, habe ich angefangen zu pendeln. Schon damals war es mir zu früh um 10 nach 6 auf den Bus zu rennen und dann eingequetscht zwischen anderen Menschen 30 Minuten zu stehen. Schon damals wurde es mir schwindelig, schlecht und oft flackerte es vor meinen Augen. Damals wusste ich nicht, dass ich ein Problem mit Gedränge und Enge hatte. Zu laut, zu warm, zu nah. Allein wenn ich daran denke macht es mich nervös und ich kriege ein flaues Bauchgefühl.
Seit ich anfing mit sechszehn regelmässig auf Konzerte zu gehen, und ich an einigen Gigs und vor allem Festivals in der Menge zum Teil sogar ohnmächtig wurde, weil die Massen der anderen Menschen mich fast erdrückt haben (oder so hat es sich zumindest für mich angefühlt), weiß ich das ich mit solchen Situationen einfach nicht klar komme. Vielleicht ist die Mischung von Alkohol und einer panischen Klaustrophobie auch eher suboptimal. 
Durch Gin und Tonic und das Beisammensein von Freunden, vergisst man die Panik und das Bauchgefühl das man hat wenn man in die Menge geht. Sozusagen wird die Stufe übersprungen, in der ich das erste Unwohlsein verspüre und merke das ich die Situation vielleicht besser vermeiden sollte. Ihr aus dem Weg gehen, wie ich es mit dem Pendeln mache. Die Panik erfasst mich dann umso überraschender, dann umso heftiger. Meine Freunde kennen das, sie kennen mich und wissen dass das passieren kann. Sie wissen das sie mich nicht fragen müssen 'Bist du dir sicher dass das eine gute Idee ist?' oder 'Kannst du das wirklich?'. Weil in dem Moment, wenn ich tanze und die Musik spüre, vergesse ich die Angst und habe einfach nur Spaß. Und wenn es dann passiert, sind sie da, wissen was zu tun ist. Und das eine solche Attacke nicht das Ende des Abends bedeutet. Ich brauche einen Moment, bis ich mich gefangen habe und ich weiß dann, dass ich aufhören sollte zu trinken und lieber am Rande des Geschehens stehe. Manche kotzen, ich krieg 'ne Panikattacke. 
Aber genau das ist der Unterschied: wenn ich feiern gehe bin ich immer von vertrauten Leuten umgeben, in einer Gruppe auf der man sich gegenseitig Acht gibt. Wie sie sich um mich kümmern, kümmere ich mich auch um sie, wenn etwas schief läuft. Wenn ich pendle, bin ich allein. Alles fremde Gesichter um mich herum, die nicht wissen können was in mir vorgeht und die mich nicht ablenken und mich aus der Spirale rausziehen können. Das will ich auch gar nicht, weshalb ich versuche mich so gut es geht zusammenzureißen und innerlich an der Angst zerbreche. Und dann ist meistens der Tag schon gelaufen für mich, das wühlt mich auf, weil ich diese Panik in dem Moment wo es passiert nicht rauslassen oder mich ihr entziehen kann. Normalerweise verfliegt das Gefühl, aber wenn ich es mich hineinfressen muss, dann begleitet es mich den ganzen Tag. 
Man sagt zwar, man sollte sich seinen Ängsten stellen. Aber das ist ein Konzept an das ich persönlich nicht glaube. Lernen mit ihr umzugehen, ja das habe ich. Aber sie zu besiegen, ich glaube das wird nie vollständig möglich sein und das ist auch nicht weiter schlimm für mich. 

Saturday 15 August 2015

Getting online - Dating Diaries (1)

This summer I got myself back into the game of dating. It has been a while, since I have put myself out there like this, ready to meet some new people. Probably because the last time I did it, I ended up putting to much energy in it and being heartbroken for way too long. This summer I learned to love myself again and to be a bit more self-confident about the person I am, so I though I am ready to go out again with someone I barely know.
So I joined 'Tinder'. You might say, for most it is only an App to find an easy opportunity to have sex, but for me, I wasn't looking for that thing. Yes, sometimes things could lead up to this, but isn't it the same way in real life? If you are saying, it is only about how looks and only choosing the ones that are attractive in your eyes, than you are completely right. But this not an argument you use against those who are on the App, just because you think it is superficial. 
The thing is, first we always judge people based on their looks and on their body language, because we haven't talked to them. We don't know how they talk and what their deal is, we don't know just by one single look at them what their characteristics are. 
It is like an avocado, you don't really know if they are any good by just looking at them. Sometimes they turn out to be just perfect for you guacamole. On the other hand, sometimes they are foul and nothing you are willing to mix with the rest of the ingredients. 
I always like to think of 'Tinder' like this giant, virtual bar. Isn't it quite the same, only without the struggle of getting out of conversations and situations you don't want to be in?
You walk past the one's you don't want to talk to and you have this invitation for a conversation with those people you think are just your type.
Matching each other is the first step. When we compare it again to the bar, it is like the looks you give each other and the sly smile that appears on either face. A sign that implies a first liking to the other person. Well, okay I am not here to list down the basic things of flirting, those are all things we already knew. I am just comparing and stating, that in a way you can avoid certain trouble that you get in real life, for example, miss-reading the signals.
Please note, I am not stating it as safer, it just depends on which intentions you have.
A few guys put their aim right from the beginning out there, they don't really want to know you as a person, they just want to have sex with you. How ever, in my experience that happens not that often as you expect it would. A lot of them try to get to know you (even just a little bit) and they want to meet you.
However, before I meet a guy, I want to know a bit more about them. I never make plans with someone I just said hello to. That would be actually the same for me in reality: I don't go with someone, I just met on the streets. Yes, to get in touch, you might exchange a number or an email-adress or something you can connect, but I wouldn't agree immediately on going out together, just after the first message. It is also easier for me on the date itself, because I know already a certain things and I can ask some good questions. It is easier to have a conversation with someone you already know a tiny bit, than a complete stranger. At least it is for me.

I think, especially for shy people like me, Apps like these aren't such a bad thing. It might sound silly, but they helped me to open up a bit more. It gave me a possibility to meet new people, I wouldn't have the chance to meet. Or the guts, to walk up to them and talk to them.
Yes, there will always be a down side of all this, there'll always be some bad experience. But from that experiences you learn, grow and evolve in new, greater things.
You probably won't undergo the same things I did, the stories you write are as unique as you are.
So these are mine, maybe there is someone that can relate to that. However it will not be the same for them as it is for me.

Tuesday 16 June 2015


A lot has happened this past year, since I have last written on this blog. It has been a year where I haven't been able to write, to draw or to do anything creative, really.
I have fallen in and out of love so many times, I have had my heartbroken (and I swear it still hurts sometimes. Probably it will never stop, it will just get easier with time. Like they say, time does not heal everything, it just helps you to cope), got diagnosed with depression and an other mental disorder (with is not severe, but it is still there) and I am about to change school AGAIN. Not my goals have changed, only the path to get there took another turn.
All in all, many up's and down's. Probably I have cried more than I've laughed and slept. That's another thing I am still struggling with; Insomnia will never let me in peace. There have been weeks where I could sleep like a baby, but sleeplessness always comes back at me. What ever.
How ever, that's all okay now, I know how to cope and how to handle things. Still, sometimes it is very rough and everything seems hopeless, but there will be always better times and I know I am not alone in this. I have so much support from my family and from my wonderful friends.
They remind me who I am, in times I cannot recognise myself anymore.
There are many things to be happy about rather than be sad.
Maybe there is always a reason to give up, but there will be thousand more not to, and to keep on fighting.
The best is still to come. 
I am back. 

Friday 28 February 2014


I am back! Probably saying this a lot on here but I needed a break from everything. Back in the old year I was feeling not too good myself, I had not only health issues, also a lot on my mind and my thoughts didn't let me be happy for a long time. How ever I am better now, haven't felt this good about myself for a long time. Maybe this only because spring is slowly arriving and the sun is pushing everything in a better light.
So with this new year and a new me, I decided I want to something else on here. Well not something completely new, I just decided that I wanted to write more about something that I always feel writing about; Music.
That is just something that I am comfortable sharing my experiences with, even though there have been times that bad things happened at concerts, like falling unconscious at a Arctic Monkeys show or songs that remind me of sad times. But isn't this also a good thing? Doesn't it also remind you that you are better off now than that you were before?
For me music is nearly everything, I've met my best friend at a music festival and some of my best memories are connected to a song or an event that had to do with music, like a concert or lying in the gras under the starlights.
Well, I won't say this blog is going to be just about music, there will be always things that I want to talk about and that cannot be left unsaid. It is just something that takes a big part up of my life, so I want share with others.
I think that's it, for now. I think I will be back soon, next month is a lot going on!

Oh and for getting into the friday mood, a song from a support act from last week's concert I went to;

Juliet - James Hersey



Wednesday 18 December 2013

00:00 AM

A new day begins,
a new start for everything, 
maybe the start for the best day of your life.
You just have to get up and try your best
to make it one of those days 
you will remember forever. 

Tuesday 17 December 2013


Back to school. That is a term so many of us despise because we might just had the summer of our lives. Motivation isn't really there because you know those first days in school are absolute for nothing, because you are just sitting there and EVERY teacher is repeating the rules of the school and saying you what new stuff you need for the new year (or they like to talk about their holidays, which is something do not really want to hear). For me, I haven't either the summer of my life nor did I have much motivation for going to a new school. Even though firstly I was excited to go, as soon as I saw the class list and found out they put me in a class with  fifteen year old girls and that in the class wasn't be found one single boy - only 26 girls - my motivation dropped pretty much.

But here I am, nearly four months later, soon it is christmas. The time there at this school wasn't as bad, as I expected it to be but none the less, I am excited for winter vacation which starts this friday.
I really need this holidays, this school takes up a lot of my energy which led me to be sick quiet frequently. It is not just the school work there, the people there I have met slowly drive me crazy. Sometimes I do not know what to say or what to do, to make things right because in the end it seems like all that I do turns out wrong. I am so glad that this is the last week this year I am spending there, I really want to get away and spend my time with things that aren't school related and do again what I love.

Spending time with my friends
Going to the cinema
Good food
just things that make me forget those challenges I have to face everyday at school, even though it isn't always related to work there I have to keep up with, as I say persons there drive me literally crazy.

In order to keep my mind a little bit of school and those things that happen that place, I am going to blog I little bit over the holidays, because you know, I think I might have time for it again.

Saturday 19 October 2013

Music Saturday - Playlist October

It has been a long time since I have written something about music and I have been listening to a bunch of new music this past month, after I have been to the local music festival here in Zurich where I discovered some new Artists and people I met there introduced and recommended some new things I really should listen to.

So basically this is just another playlist that I put together for this month and September so here we go:

ALT-J - Intro  + Taro

(Alt-J isn't actually THAT new to me(that much of a hipster am I), but that last week I bought myself their CD and I cannot stop listening to them)

POLICA - Dark Star 

MILES KANE - Don't forget who you are 

SWIM DEEP - Intro + The Sea

SOHN - Bloodflows

SLOW CLUB - Two Cousins + Beginners 


(Well Isn't that matching: I am a lisztomaniac ha-ha)

JAKE BUGG - Seen It All